Saturday, 26 March 2011

Back to blog

Sorry to anyone who cares that i've been lazy with this blog recently. Have had a tonne of assignments to work on and this just got ignored.

Heres some things i've been giving some thought to, this is a video about Kevin Warwick, a mad scientist whos pioneering the cyborg 'revolution'. Hes a nutter, but maybe hes on to something?

Also some philosophy related dubstep, cause why not?


  1. Even though this is very cool, I must not think about the consequences this could have! I think I'll follow you to find out.

  2. thats some chill dubstep, good stuff, keep it up!

  3. I love the dubstep! Welcome back :D I agree

  4. I don't know which was worse: listening to that crazy go or having to listen to dubstep for more than five seconds.

    Regardless, look forward to more from you.

  5. Good song, good vid. Looking forward to more like this.

  6. Love it, cannot wait for more. This blogging stuff rocks.

  7. nice post! thanks for sharing - will watch you for future blogs...
